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Being Knighted
Being Knighted
Templar Knight



Structure of our Priories


There are Priories covering every state of this great nation and most Priories have Commanderies in them. A commandry can even become a Priory once it grows to a certain number of Templars. Each Priory has its own leadership and rank structure. The structure provides for a natural progression and roadmap to Knighthood. These are the ranks in ascending order.


• Page (PG) - A young man or woman, greater than 10 years of age but fewer than 14. A future Knight. At the age of 18, they will have the opportunity to petition to become a “Companion-at-Arms.”


• Squire (SQ) – A young man or woman, older than 14 years of age but fewer than 18. A future Knight. At the age of 18, they will have the opportunity to petition to become a “Companion-at-Arms.”


• Companion-At-Arms (CAA) - An applicant of at least 18 years of age. They are under a probation period of 6 months before moving to Sergeant. If the Prior accepts them, they receive their Certificate at the end of this period. If they are not accepted, their $65 is returned. During this first 6 months, they enter the Knights Templar College - CAA Training.


• Sergeant (SGT) – Sergeants are required to complete the Templar Academy of America Sergeants Training. After the initial 6-month probation period expires, all accepted members become eligible for promotion from CAA to Sergeant. A member will need to spend no less than 6 months as a Sergeant.


• Staff Sergeant (SSGT)

• Sergeant 1st Class (SFC)

• First Sergeant (1SGT)


• Master Sergeant (MSG) – There is only one in the entire Order. The Master Sergeant assists the Sergeant Major within the Templar Training Academy of USA as assigned.


• Sergeant Major (SGM) – There is only one within the order. The Sergeant Major is responsible for Duties within the Training Academy of USA as assigned.


• Command Sergeant Major (CSM) - This is only one within the order. This is a Knight level appointment.


• Knight (KTJ) – Membership in the KTGPA does not convey the “Royal” right to the title “Sir”, however, it is appropriate and in keeping with American Customs to address Male Knights as Sir and Female Knights as Dame. Those males who reach Knighthood in are termed “Knight” with the honorific title being Chevalier, and females are termed “Dames” OR “Knight” with the honorific title of Chevaleresse (or Chevalière).


• Knight Commander (KCTJ) - A Knight who is given a Commandery consisting of at a least 5 knights besides the Commander (total of 6).


• Knight Grand Officer (GOTJ) - This rank is reserved for Priors within the Grand Priory of America and is granted at the discretion of the Grand Prior.


• Knight Grand Cross (GCTJ).  This is the highest rank a knight can achieve. It's granted when an individual has demonstrated commitment, loyalty and accomplishments that go well beyond normal expectations. Granted only by Grand Prior.

• Prior (PTJ) – A Prior oversees a group of approximately 20 members.


• Provost (PVTJ) – A Prior who decides to retire but who wants to remain available for national assignments.


Once you achieve the rank of Sergeant, added involvement

and responsibility will lead to higher rankings

within the Sergeant grouping

Official crest of the Order
Knight warrior
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